Death Of 1,705 Tons Of Fish In Lake Maninjau, Agam, West Sumatra Causes Air Pollution

AGAM - Mass death of fish that has occurred since early December 2021 in Lake Maninjau has caused air pollution in the lake area in Tanjung Raya District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra.

Rizki (38) said that on his way to visit Lake Maninjau he smelled a bad smell since entering Nagari Bayua.

"Along the way, the air in the area was not good, so I felt nauseous", he said in Lubukbasung, Agam, quoted by Antara on Sunday, January 2.

In addition, he said, fish carcasses floating in Lake Maninjau added to the inconvenience of residents who visited the lake area for tours.

Another visitor to Lake Maninjau, Desrona (23), said tourist visits to the volcanic lake area could decrease if the local government did not immediately address the problems caused by mass fish deaths.

"From my observation, in Maninjau and Bayua there are no visitors who stop by", she said.

Head of the Agam Fisheries and Food Security Agency, Rosva Deswira, said that on Thursday, December 30, 2021, the total number of dead fish in the Nagari Bayua area reached around 200 tons and in the Nagari Manijau area around 50 tons.

According to her, throughout December 2021, the fish that died in the Lake Maninjau area totaled around 1,705 tons. The rotting fish carcasses cause an unpleasant odor in the lake area.

"Fish carcasses are not collected by farmers, so there is pollution", said Rosva.

She said the mass fish deaths in the lake area were triggered by extreme weather conditions.

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