JAKARTA - Head of BRIN, Laksana Tri Handoko, said that five official research institutions were integrated with BRIN. The five entities in question are BATAN, LAPAN, LIPI, BPPT, and the Ministry of Research and Technology/BRIN and include the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology (LBM).

"With the integration of the Ministry of Research and Technology and 4 LPNK into BRIN, we have institutionalized the status of LBM Eijkman into an official work unit, namely the Eijkman Molecular Biology Research Center under the Biological Sciences Research Organization," said Handoko in a written statement, Sunday, January 2.

With this status, said Handoko, researchers at LBM Eijkman can be appointed as researchers by getting all their financial rights. It should be understood that LBM Eijkman is not an official government institution, and has the status of a project unit at the Ministry of Research and Technology.

"This condition has caused research civil servants at LBM Eijkman not to be appointed as full researchers, and have the status of administrative staff," he said.

On the other hand, Handoko continued, it turns out that LBM Eijkman recruits many honorary workers who do not comply with applicable regulations.

"For this reason, BRIN has provided several options according to their respective statuses," he said.

These options have also been presented through official forums attended by researcher Eijkman.

The first option is for PNS Researchers to continue as PNS at BRIN and at the same time being appointed as researchers. The second option, honorary researchers aged over 40 years and doctoral degrees, can take part in the 2021 PPPK ASN admission. The third option, honorary researchers aged less than 40 years and doctoral degrees can take part in the 2021 PNS ASN admissions. The fourth option, non-S3 researchers honorariums can continue their studies with the by-research and research assistantship (RA) scheme, some of them continue as lab operators in Cibinong, for those who are not interested in continuing their studies. The fifth option, the non-Researcher honorarium is taken over by the RSCM while following the plan to transfer the LBM Eijkman building to the RSCM according to the request of the Ministry of Health, which has owned the asset from the start.

"So it is true that there is a process of dismissal as an employee of LBM Eijkman, but most of it is transferred/adjusted to the various schemes above to comply with regulations as a government institution," he said.

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