SEMARANG - Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Pol Ahmad Luthfi explained a number of achievements of Central Java Police activities during 2021 at the year-end release at the local Police Headquarters Borobudur Building, Friday 31 December, afternoon. The activity was attended by Forkompinda of Central Java Province.

On that occasion, Ahmad Luthfi committed that by 2022, the Central Java Police would provide the best service for the citizens of Central Java. Service improvement, he said, was based on an evaluation of the experience gained by the Central Java Police during 2021 and previous years.

"The Central Java Police continue to strive to provide the best by creating various innovations for the benefit of the community. In total there are 151 innovations, with details of 125 innovations created by the Regional Police of the Republic of Indonesia while 26 innovations were made by the Central Java Police," said Ahmad Luthfi, in a release received, Friday 31 December .

According to him, the disturbance of Kamtibmas in Central Java during the 2021 period decreased compared to 2020. Kamtibmas disturbances decreased by 1,901 incidents (12.23 percent) and crime cases decreased by 997 cases (10.68 percent)

"This decline is also influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic in Central Java. People who limit activities outside the home have limited public interaction and criminals have difficulty carrying out their actions," he explained.

Meanwhile, the settlement of cases in 2021 will reach 5,032 cases or about 73 percent of the total cases handled by the National Police in Central Java. In the field of traffic, traffic accident cases decreased by 1.5 percent from 19,829 incidents in 2020 to 19,541 incidents in 2021.

With a limited number of personnel, the Central Java Police also take an important role in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Together with relevant agencies, the Central Java Police optimize vaccinations in all lines of society to create communal immunity in Central Java.

"Central Java's vaccination achievement currently reaches 78.69 percent. While active COVID patients to date there are 107 cases. Thousands of room and isolation facilities are currently empty. But people must remain vigilant because at this time there are new variants that must be anticipated," asserted Kapolda.

On that occasion, Ahmad Luthfi expressed his gratitude for the participation of the community in maintaining public order in Central Java.

Furthermore, Ahmad Luthfi also affirmed the resolution of the Central Java Police in 2022 in five points, including supporting the government's program in national economic recovery (PEN) and national strategic project assistance (PSN), maintaining the investment climate, ensuring that security and social security remains conducive, controlling the handling of COVID-19 19 through PPKM and vaccination and realizing a precise Polri posture through the National Police Chief's priority program.

"To achieve this, we need the participation of the community and continue to synergize with the TNI, regional governments and related stakeholders," said Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi.

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