MAKASSAR - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo appealed and asked the public not to be excessively euphoric during the 2022 new year celebration, considering that the spread of the new variant of the COVID-19 virus is still a threat.

"Because we are faced with a new variant of Omicron that we inevitably have to take care of together and one of them is how to accelerate vaccination to achieve the target expected by the government," said Sigit on the sidelines of a vaccination celebratory review at the CCC Makassar Building, South Sulawesi, quoted by Antara, Friday. , December 31.

According to him, at the end of the year, activities usually take place with dense movements that can cause crowds of people. For this reason, he again reminded people to keep themselves safe.

"We urge the public that by the end of this year, celebrations that are usually held should be avoided first. It is better to gather with family at home instead of gathering outside, because it is resistant to transmission. Of course we need to guard this," said the National Police Chief.

He hopes that our community can pass the end of this year and enter the beginning of the year in a condition where the rate of development of COVID-19 can still be controlled.

This is because, said General Sigit, this is important in controlling the rate of transmission, which of course has an impact on all kinds of activities, which in turn will increase economic growth.

"Once again, we are doing all of this so that we can really control covid properly. We can face new variants and we can maintain the existing ones, for economic growth, to face major national and international events in the coming year," he said.

The National Police Chief also appreciated the South Sulawesi Provincial Government for meeting the herd immunity target or group immunity from the central government, reaching above 70 percent.

"Therefore, I congratulate all stakeholders related to Forkopimda South Sulawesi who have worked hard, united, and synergized so that the 70 percent target could be achieved," he added.

During the lively review of the COVID-19 vaccination at the CCC Building, the National Police Chief was accompanied by South Sulawesi Acting Governor Andi Sudirman Sulaiman, South Sulawesi Police Chief Inspector General Nana Sudjana and XIV Military Commander Hasanuddin Major General TNI Mochamad Syafei Kasno, as well as other high-ranking officials.

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