BANYUMAS - Traffic accident cases in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, in 2021 increased by 0.9 percent compared to 2020.

"This is due to the fact that in 2021 people's mobility will begin to increase, especially after the emergency PPKM (implementation of restrictions on community activities)," said Banyumas City Police Chief Kombes M Firman L Hakim during a press conference reported by Antara, Friday, December 31.

He said based on data, the number of accidents that occurred in 2021 reached 1,588 cases, an increase of 0.9 percent (14 cases) compared to 2020 as many as 1,574 cases.

Meanwhile, for the settlement of traffic accidents, he said, in 2021 there were 1,487 cases, a decrease of 2.2 percent (33 cases) compared to 2020 which reached 1,520 cases.

"The percentage of completion of traffic accident cases in 2021 is 93.6 percent, while in 2020 it reaches 96.6 percent," he said.

Regarding the number of victims who died due to traffic accidents, the Chief of Police said that in 2021 it would reach 200 people, an increase of 0.5 percent (1 person) compared to 2020 which was 199 people.

According to him, the number of seriously injured victims in 2021 reached 18 people, a significant increase compared to 2020 which was recorded as 1 person (up 1,700 percent), while the number of lightly injured victims in 2021 was 1,809 people, an increase of 2 percent (35 people) compared to in 2020 as many as 1,774 people.

"The number of material losses due to traffic accidents that occurred throughout 2021 reached Rp. 1,119,620,000, an increase of 17.1 percent (Rp. 163,090,000) compared to 2020 of Rp. 956,530,000," he said.

He said that in 2021 there was one traffic accident that stood out because it involved one bus and three minibuses which resulted in 6 deaths and 8 injuries with material losses reaching Rp. 150,000,000.

According to him, the accident case has been resolved in court and the bus driver was sentenced to 4 years in prison.

"It was proven by the judge that the driver did it intentionally, not negligently, so that a series of accidents occurred. Hopefully this will not happen again," he said.

Regarding direct action (tickets), the Head of Police said the number of ticketed tickets decreased by 86.8 percent (15,001 tickets) from 17,281 tickets in 2020 to 2,280 tickets in 2021.

Meanwhile, for reprimands, he said, it decreased by 67.4 percent (7,267 reprimands) compared to 2020 which reached 10,781 reprimands to 3,514 reprimands in 2021.

"This happens because it prioritizes education to the public. The decrease in the number of traffic tickets does not mean that the number of traffic violations that occur on the road has decreased, but because it prioritizes education to the public," said the Chief of Police.

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