5,005 Ecstasy Pills from the Netherlands Worth Rp3.25 Billion Seized from Three SuspectsJAKARTA - The results of an investigation by the Drug Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police together with Customs and Excise related to the disclosure of ecstasy pills in the Sawah Besar area, confiscated as many as 5,005 ecstasy pills from the Netherlands. In addition, the police also confiscated 1.3 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine from two different locations.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Ady Wibowo said, in the crime mode of drug smuggling, the perpetrators packed thousands of deep ecstasy pills wrapped in electronic room lamps to trick the officers.

"From this incident, the police arrested 3 suspects including IML (29), MM (30) and DG (31) in two different locations," said Pol Kombes Ady Wibowo to reporters, Friday, December 31.

Initially, said the Police Chief, his party received information from the suspects that the drugs would be circulated to supply the new year's eve of 2022.

"It will be circulated on New Year's Eve 2022," he said.

The suspects IML and MM were arrested in the Sawah Besar area, Central Jakarta. Meanwhile, DG was secured in Cilincing, North Jakarta.

Evidence of ecstasy pills secured by West Jakarta Police/ Photo: IST

"We are still chasing another fugitive with the initials NA," he said.

The evidence of ecstasy pills from the Netherlands which was confiscated from the suspects amounted to Rp. 3.25 billion. This case is still being developed into other networks.

"We are still exploring, we are still investigating. This is not an easy thing because this is an international network, not only outside but also internally," said the Chief of Police.

As a result of his actions, the three suspects were charged with multiple articles. Namely, Article 113 paragraph 2, sub-article 114 paragraph 2, sub-article 112 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 132 of Law RI Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of a maximum prison sentence of 20 years or the death penalty.

Previously, it was reported that the West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit managed to arrest an imported ecstasy dealer from the Netherlands in the Sawah Besar sub-district, Central Jakarta. The plan is that the ecstasy pills will be circulated on New Year's Eve at a number of nightclubs in Jakarta.

The discovery of the circulation of ecstasy was carried out as a result of an investigation by the West Jakarta Police with Customs and Excise through control delivery.

"We, together with Customs and Excise, worked together to carry out a joint investigation and succeeded in dismantling the illicit trafficking of ecstasy pills in the Sawah Besar area, Central Jakarta," he said.

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