JAKARTA - The police are examining dozens of witnesses regarding the fire at the Attorney General's Office building. Witnesses being examined are from employees to security.

"The clusters of employees from the AGO, both in terms of employees in the personnel development section and also Jamintel and some of the heads of districts we are examining," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Monday, August 24.

Other witnesses who were questioned were building cleaners and security guards. This examination is to determine the incidence of the initial fire that occurred on Saturday, August 22 evening.

"Some of the witnesses were the security guards and so on. Then there were OB (Office Boy) workers who worked to clean the building," said Yusri.

According to Yusri, the witness examination was intended to determine the origin of the fire source in the building which housed the personnel bureau, financial bureau and public bureau.

"Now this is the material for fellow investigators to carry out the TKP, and it will continue when it is finished we will tell you," concluded Yusri.

Previously, Attorney General ST Burhanuddin confirmed the case documents were not in the burning building. The AGO asked the public to be patient in waiting for the results of the investigation.

"The cause of this fire is still being investigated by the National Police. Therefore, please be patient and we ask you not to make speculations and irresponsible assumptions," said Kapuspenkum Kejagung Hari Setiyono.

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