SEMARANG - The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, directly inspected the handling of the fire that hit Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang. In addition to ensuring the handling of fires, Ganjar also ensures that all patients and health workers are in a safe condition.

Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang caught fire on the night of Thursday, December 30. One of the buildings, namely the Kasuari building, caught fire large enough to cause panic.

Ganjar arrived at the location at around 20.45 western Indonesia time. When Ganjar arrived at the location, the fire had been extinguished.

"Patients and health workers are all safe, right? They have been evacuated, ma'am," asked Ganjar to the President Director of Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Faricah Hanum.

"It's safe, sir, all have been evacuated. The fire was also quickly extinguished," said Hanum.

Ganjar also asked about the mentality of the patient in the Kasuari building. To Ganjar, Hanum said that all was safe and the patient was fine. Hanum continued hospital services were also not disturbed.

Ganjar then inspected the burning building. After that, he also took the time to check on the evacuated patients at the Garuda Pavilion, one of the buildings located next to the Kasuari building.

When Ganjar entered the building, he met a number of health workers on duty at the Kasuari building. To them, Ganjar asked the condition and made sure everything was under control.

"There was a fire there, right? Would you like to help save the patient?" asked Ganjar to the nurses.

"Yes sir, when it happened we also panicked, suddenly there was fire and smoke everywhere. But we still tried to be calm and help evacuate patients," said the nurses.

Ganjar gave a thumbs up for the actions of the nurses. He then asked the nurses who had finished picket hours to go home and calm down.

"Go home, rest, okay. You're great," said Ganjar.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo inspects RSUD Dr. Kariadi Semarang after the fire/DOC Central Java Provincial Government

Ganjar also took the time to go up to the 6th floor of the Garuda Pavilion to meet a number of patients who were evacuated from the burning Kasuari building. There, Ganjar greets patients, comforts them, and strengthens them mentally.

"You are from that building, okay then, stay here for a while, okay. Be patient, keep your spirits up. Get some rest now, get well soon," said Ganjar to those patients.

There were no panicked faces from the patients. They can joke and laugh with Ganjar. They were also very happy to be visited by Ganjar and asked for a group photo.

"Sir, take a photo first, sir, while I meet you, thank you, sir," said one of the patients.

Ganjar appreciated the alertness of the employees at Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang who swiftly took the best steps when a fire occurred. All patients were evacuated to a safe place so that there were no casualties.

"I'm glad that all of them were alert, both nurses, health workers, and other employees to evacuate patients to a safe place. The firefighters and volunteer teams were also great, they were able to quickly extinguish the fire so that conditions returned to normal. Alhamdulillah everything is under control, patients and health workers are safe and hospital operations can still run," he concluded.

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