SAMPANG - A tornado hit the coastal area of Sokobanah Daya Village, Sokobanah District, Sampang Regency, East Java, causing 11 buildings, including houses, prayer rooms and kitchens for residents, to be damaged.

"It happened this morning at around 08.00 WIB in Lebak Hamlet, Sokobanah Daya Village, Sokobanah District," said the Chief Executive (Kalaksa) of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of the Sampang Regency Government, Asroni, quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 30.

He mentioned the average damage to the roof of the building. According to him, there were no casualties in the accident.

BPBD Sampang has dispatched a team to the location of the disaster that occurred in Sokobanah Daya Village, Sokobanah District, Sampang.

In addition to collecting data, the team also helped repair damaged houses with the TNI and Polri.

According to Asroni, the tornado that occurred in Sokobanah Daya Village, Sokobanah District, Sampang this time was the third time.

Previously, it also happened in Camplong District and caused three student rooms in one of the Islamic boarding schools to be damaged due to falling trees.

"Based on the weather forecast of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), bad weather still has the potential to occur for the next one week," he said.

Therefore, his party asked people who live in disaster-prone areas to increase their vigilance.

Meanwhile, based on BPBD data from the Sampang Regency Government, Sokobanah District is indeed one of the districts prone to high winds and tornadoes, because it is located on the north coast of Sampang.

Other sub-districts that are also prone to disasters are Ketapang, Modung, Pangarengan and Kota Sampang sub-districts.

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