JAKARTA - The advocacy team for the ex-pilot association of PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (MNA) asked the government and the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) to help facilitate the restoration of employee rights by the company.

"We ask the state, especially the president, the Minister of SOEs and Komnas HAM to facilitate the rights of ex-pilots, air cabines and other employees of PT MNA to be paid," said David Sitorus, a member of the advocacy team for the ex-pilot association of PT MNA, in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday. December 29.

He said the remaining severance pay of around 130 employees amounted to Rp157 billion. Then not to mention the debts of the remaining 700 people's pension funds (in the process of calculation and verification by the advocacy team).

In addition, he said, there was also an insurance payment debt of nine thousand US dollars which was converted by PT MNA in the form of a debt acknowledgment letter to one pilot.

Advisor to the advocacy team for the ex-pilot association of PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines, Gunawan, said that during the advocacy process, the team had complained to Komnas HAM and the Presidential Staff Office.

The two agencies are expected to be able to coordinate between ministries and institutions as soon as possible, especially regarding the plan to close PT MNA by the Minister of SOEs.

"Specifically for Komnas HAM, we ask to immediately issue a main recommendation regarding the alleged human rights violations of former air cabin crew pilots and other employees of PT MNA," he said.

Merpati Pilot Captain Muhammad Trisiswa said PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero) is an airline owned by a state-owned company (BUMN).

PT MNA has not operated since February 2014 until now, due to the revocation of the Air Operator Certificate.

PT MNA terminated the employment of its employees in April 2016 through a program offering employee problem solving packages, also known as the P5 program.

There are a number of important points in the P5 program, namely the value of employee salaries from December 2013 to January 2016 paid in cash in 2016 by PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero).

The salary value received is below the November 2013 salary and PT MNA has not yet explained about the salary reduction. Employee salaries from December 2013 to January 2016 were calculated and paid in April 2016.

The severance pay received by each employee is regulated in the P5 program. However, after being calculated, the amount received is below the severance pay value as regulated by laws and regulations.

The value of the proposed employee severance pay is mostly 85 to 95 percent of the value of the severance pay according to the calculation of the legislation.

Then 20 percent of the severance pay as mentioned above is paid by PT MNA in cash and the rest is converted by the company in the form of a debt acknowledgment letter (SPU).

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