KUPANG - West Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Police Chief, AKBP FX Irwan Arianto said that the autopsy results of prisoners who died in their cells because they were allegedly mistreated by a number of police officers had been released.

"The results of the autopsy are available, we planned to release them today but we postponed them," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 29.

This was conveyed by him related to the development of the case of the death of a prisoner named Arkin in the Katikutana Police cell, West Sumba Police.

Arkin was arrested at the house of his uncle, Andreas Maki Pawolung, on Wednesday, December 8, at around 23:00 WITA, for allegedly committing abuse and theft of livestock.

The police chief said that the release of the case was postponed because Arkin's lawyer was in Kupang because he was still celebrating Christmas.

"So we postpone it until the New Year's 2022 is over while waiting for the lawyer to return to West Sumba," he added.

The police chief said that the autopsy results would be submitted by a forensic doctor because the doctors themselves are competent to deliver them.

This case caught the attention of the Chief of the NTT Police, Inspector General Lotharia Latif, and immediately dismissed a number of police officers involved in the persecution.

"The four members who were indicated to be handling the case, have now been removed and I have secured them for examination at the West Sumba Police," he said.

The Kapolda said he would not tolerate any member of the National Police who was rude to the public, let alone to the point of death.

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