KARAWANG - The Karawang Police confiscated dozens of 'bogus' motorbikes or not equipped with vehicle documents in a number of operations carried out by the Sabhara Patrol Team and the Karawang Police Satlantas, West Java Police.

Karawang Police Chief AKBP Aldi Subartono said after days of confiscation, the driver did not come to the police station to pick it up.

“It means that the dozens of vehicles that we confiscated were not his. It is possible that this vehicle was stolen, so it does not have complete vehicle registration documents," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 28.

The Karawang Police announced to the public that those who had lost their motorbikes could check the confiscated vehicles.

"Today, we are announcing to people who feel they have lost their motorbikes, please come to the Karawang Police to check the vehicles that have been confiscated. Please come, bring the papers, if appropriate, please bring the motorbike. There is no charge," said the police chief.

Currently, the number of vehicles that have been confiscated is 67 units of two-wheeled vehicles of various brands and types.

According to the Police Chief, the vehicles were the result of action by members of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Reskrim Sabhara) as well as traffic.

According to him, the vehicles that have been captured are already in the process of being confiscated by the Karawang Police. So for people who want to pick up lost vehicles, they must bring administrative completeness to do the matching.

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