BANDUNG - West Java (Jabar) Governor M Ridwan Kamil appealed to West Java residents not to worry about the findings of local transmission of the Omicron variant of the corona virus. However, he asked residents to continue to apply health protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

"Residents don't have to worry, please carry out activities, Omicron is waiting for us to be careless. Therefore, viral places such as tourism sites are being closely guarded. For example, Pangandaran Beach, Lembang, Puncak and other places that often go viral because of the crowd," said Ridwan Kamil in Bandung quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 28.

He said that all the handling efforts had been prepared by the government to prevent the transmission of the new variant of COVID-19.

Therefore, Ridwan Kamil appealed to the public to continue their activities by implementing health protocols.

According to Kang Emil, there is no special treatment for the new variant and the handling pattern will remain the same as the other variants.

The West Java Provincial Government, continued Ridwan Kamil, has prepared infrastructure for handling COVID-19, including the availability of oxygen to patient beds.

"Look, there's nothing new in handling COVID19. No matter what the treatment is, the government does 3T, people do 5M. In practice, we've done it before, there wasn't a term microlockdown. change the term again," he said.

Ridwan Kamil said that although the spread of the Omicron variant is faster, the fatality tends to be lower than the Delta variant.

He said that people's current immunity tends to be more tested along with the vaccination program.

"So the difference is that countries that are affected by Omicron now have no big delta. So it's as if by God's destiny, Indonesia was given a tough trial first through the delta variant so that when we were confronted by Omicron, the relative immunity of Indonesians after Delta plus the vaccine was a strong defense. very well," he said.

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