KAPUAS HULU - The PDI-P has distributed 100 tons of rice for underprivileged communities through the PDIP Branch Leadership Council (DPC) in West Kalimantan, one of which is in Kapuas Hulu Regency.

"The rice that will be distributed is assistance from the Chairman of the DPR RI, Puan Maharani, for the poor in West Kalimantan," said Lasarus, chairman of the PDI-P Regional Leadership Council (DPD) in West Kalimantan, while handing over rice assistance symbolically at the PDI-P DPC Secretariat in Kapuas Hulu. quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 28.

The aid of 100 tons of rice was sent from Jakarta by ship, so the arrival of the rice was a little late.

According to him, the distribution of the aid rice will be directly channeled through each PDI-P DPC in the regions.

"Each regency city gets seven tons of rice, later we will submit the data on the recipients of the aid to the DPC in collaboration with the regents and deputy regents in the regions," explained Lasarus.

Lasarus, who is also the chairman of Commission V of the DPR, conveyed that Puan Maharani's message about the assistance was to share love with the underprivileged in the celebration of Christmas 2021 and to welcome the 2022 New Year.

According to Lasarus, the rice that will be distributed is of good quality in the hope of easing the burden on the poor in West Kalimantan.

"Hopefully this assistance will be useful in easing the burden on our poor people," said Lasarus.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Kapuas Hulu, Fransiskus Diaan, said that the rice aid from the PDI-P really helped the community, especially after the floods that hit a number of areas in Kapuas Hulu.

"We are very grateful for the PDI-P's concern. Of course the assistance is very beneficial for our community, especially after the flood," said Fransiskus.

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