CIREBON - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Cirebon Regency, West Java, noted that 46 houses in Gebang Village were damaged by a tornado, Monday, December 27 afternoon.

"There were 46 houses damaged, both lightly and moderately damaged," said Cirebon Regency BPBD Chief Executive Alex Suheriyawan in Cirebon, Tuesday, December 28.

He explained that the natural disaster caused by a tornado occurred on Monday, December 27 at around 16.00 WIB in Gebang Village, Gebang District, Cirebon Regency.

In this incident, 46 houses were damaged, including light and moderate categories. In general, the roof of their house is carried away by the wind.

However, continued Alex, in this incident there were no residents who suffered injuries or casualties, because at the time of the incident they were generally at home.

"Besides the tornado, at the same time there was heavy rain," he said. The tornado also caused several trees on the side of the road to fall.

Currently, his party together with related elements and residents are still doing the restoration, as well as repairing several damaged houses.

"We urge residents to remain careful, especially now that we have entered the peak of the rainy season," he said. This was reported by Antara.

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