BENGKULU - The Bengkulu Police handled 3,159 cases throughout 2021. Of this number, around 1,588 cases or about 53.43 percent were resolved.

Bengkulu Police Chief Inspector General Guntur Setyanto said, when compared to 2020, the settlement of criminal cases in Bengkulu Province decreased by around 10 percent.

"In 2020, there will be 2,083 cases of criminal settlements or 59.62 percent," said Guntur in Bengkulu, Antara, Monday, December 27.

For the number of cases of immoral crimes in 2021 in Bengkulu Province, there were around 122 cases, while in 2020 there were around 152 cases. This has decreased by about 30 cases or about 24.6 percent.

He said, his party created these conditions through institutional policies from the region or police operations carried out by the Bengkulu Police.

Such as centralized police operations and regional police operations such as the Musang Nala Operation, Antik Nala Operation and others, he said.

Guntur continued, his party is also trying to eradicate corruption during 2021 with 23 cases found and around 17 cases have been resolved.

The Bengkulu Regional Police also managed to save state money of around Rp. 3.2 billion and compared to 2020 it was only Rp. 674 million.

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