JAKARTA - Bareskrim arrested three suspects in the case of corruption in lending to the Central Java Regional Development Bank (BPD) Blora branch for the 2018-2019 period. Where, in this case, it caused state losses of Rp. 115 billion.
"The state financial loss from this Jakarta branch loan is around Rp. 115 billion," said Deputy Director of Tipidkor, Bareskrim Polri Kombes Cahyono Wibowo to reporters, Monday, December 27.
The three suspects have the initials RP as the former Head of the BPD Central Java Blora branch. Then, UR as ASN Pemkab. Blora and Director of PT. Gading Mas Properti, and TK as Director of PT. Golden Lantern.
"The RP's status is the former head of the BPD Central Java Blora branch from 2017 to 2019," said Cahyono.
"Then from the pressure or application for credit or debtors, there are two, namely UR brothers and TK brothers," he continued.
In this case, Cahyono stated that it started when the BPD Jateng Blora Branch had disbursed a Current Account Credit (RC) worth Rp. 4 billion in November 2018. However, in the application process there was PMH and the use of credit that was not according to its designation.
"Credit disbursement is used to pay off loans from other banks. So, until now, the credit status of Coll 5 (lost) is that debtors cannot pay diapers and credit interest," said Cahyono.
Then, the BPD Jateng Blora Branch distributed newspaper account loans to the UK in the amount of Rp. 13.2 billion in January 2019. However, during the application process there was PMH and credit disbursement which was deliberately made by the suspect RP and UR with the aim of covering the passing of the PT Project Loan term. . BGJ.
"Coll 5 Credit Status (bad) debtors cannot pay diapers and credit interest," said Cahyono. Thus, from October 2018 to April 2019 BPD Central Java Blora Branch was recorded as distributing mortgages to 140 customers. Where, in the submission process, there is a PMH for engineering customer documents by the developer PT. GMP.
"Until now, there are still mortgages that are not 100 percent yet, the credit status of Coll 5 (lost) is that the debtor cannot pay diapers and credit interest," said Cahyono.
In addition, as of December 2018 and January 2019 BPD Central Java Blora Branch has disbursed project credit to the suspect TK in the amount of Rp. 17.5 billion.
"In the credit application process and credit disbursement, there is a PMH in the form of a fake SPMK so that up to the end of the credit limit no work (Flfictive projects) has been completed, the Coll 5 Credit status (lost) the debtor cannot pay diapers and credit interest," said Cahyono.
Thus, the three suspects were charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) and/or Article 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 65, Jo Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.
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