JAKARTA - The Judicial Commission (KY) together with the Supreme Court (MA) of the Republic of Indonesia encourage various efforts to improve the welfare of judges in the country, which includes aspects of health, official housing and security.

"KY and MA have met four times, one of the discussion points is related to health insurance," said Head of Prevention and Capacity Building for Judges Joko Sasmito in Jakarta, Monday.

Currently, said Joko, the health facilities have been obtained by ad hoc judges. In the future, the same thing is being pursued or fought for for career judges.

In the security sector, efforts will be made to have a budget for security that is included in the court's budget implementation list (DIPA).

In addition, transportation for certain areas is also discussed, such as sea transportation for judges/court officials for safety and punctuality in work.

"In addition, there is also an idea from the Supreme Court to conduct joint research on certain topics for the common interest of KY-MA," he said.

For now, the official house is a big concern for KY and MA. This is because 1,121 units were slightly damaged and 426 were heavily damaged.

In addition, there is also a court building which is quite damaged, especially in Medan. "There are 52 courts of first instance that have not been built and 13 high courts," he said.

According to him, it is necessary to build a new high court building with a new prototype. Therefore, the Supreme Court will not build new official houses except to build flats which are planned in each province.

"Currently, the construction of an eight-story flat in the former East Jakarta District Court has begun," he said.

For judges who do not have official residences, the policy that will be taken is to increase the rent for houses. In 2022, in addition to training on the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for Judges (KEPPH), there will also be a thematic training on land issues in collaboration with the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN).

"This is an effort to realize a clean and honest judiciary related to land disputes," said Joko. This was reported by Antara.

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