JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Agency (Disnakertransgi), Andri Yansyah, admitted that his party had received a reply letter from the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah regarding the determination of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP).

Previously, Anies sent a letter to Ida on December 22, 2021, asking for a review of the UMP formula, which is regulated in Government Regulation 36/2021 on Wages. Based on the Government Regulation No. 36/2021 formula, the increase in the UMP in Jakarta was only 0.85 percent.

According to Andri, Ida replied to Anies' letter on December 18, 2021, which was strengthened by a letter from the Minister of Home Affairs on December 21, 2021. Andri said that in the reply Ida asked Anies to continue following Government Regulation 36/2021.

"The answer is related to the mechanism for determining the 2022 UMP so that it refers to Government Regulation Number 36 of 2021", Andri told reporters, Monday, December 27.

However, Andri said Anies continued to revise the amount of the UMP increase to 5.1 percent. In fact, he said, Anies would not again revise the UMP to follow the central government.

The reason is that Anies signed the Governor's decree revision of the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) before responding to Ida's letter. Anies published the Governor's Decree on December 16, while Ida replied to the letter on December 18.

"We cannot respond to the Ministry of Manpower's letter, because we have had a long discussion and have decided (revision to increase the UMP) by 5.1 percent. The 5.1 percent UMP has not been revised again", said Andri.

It is known, Anies changed the UMP increase from 0.85 percent initially to 5.1 percent. In 2021, DKI Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) is IDR 4,416,186. If it increases by 0.85 percent or IDR 37,749, the 2022 UMP will be IDR 4,453,935. Then, when Anies raises 5.1 percent or IDR 225,667, the UMP for DKI next year will be IDR 4,641,854.

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