BANDA ACEH - Ustaz Abdul Somad (UAS) said that the 17th Aceh tsunami warning this year was an activity to do good and bad deeds.

"The tsunami commemoration event is one of the wasilah of amar makruf nahi munkar," said Ustaz Abdul Somad, in Aceh Besar, Sunday, December 26.

This was conveyed by Ustaz Abdul Somad when filling out a lecture on the 17th anniversary of the Aceh tsunami at the Rahmatullah Lampuuk mosque, Aceh Besar District.

UAS said that this tsunami warning was not meant to reopen the grief of 17 years ago. But it's better to advise yourself, especially yourself, so that this can all be a lesson to do better.

Hopefully, said UAS, the 17th anniversary of the Aceh tsunami can give people wisdom to stop drinking and repent. Then those who commit adultery and other immoral activities fear Allah SWT.

UAS also advised the congregation to always invite people to do good, and forbid evil deeds.

If it does not prohibit people from doing munkar, said UAS, then it is feared that Allah SWT will lower the punishment.

"When the punishment came, you flocked to the field, asking Allah for remembrance. Why was your prayer not being answered, because you did not do amar makruf nahi munkar," said the famous preacher from Riau.

UAS said, if someone asks why they have to repeat events that have passed (a warning), why make themselves sad and rediscover old wounds, all of these are answered to remind people not to sin.

"This reminds us of people who still dare to sin, people who commit immorality. All of you will be asked and asked to be held accountable by Allah SWT," said UAS.

On this occasion, UAS also invited the congregation to continue to give alms, at least once to give alms of water. Because the deceased saw all the deeds of his family today.

"All our deeds today are seen by three people, namely Allah SWT, Rasulullah SAW and the deceased," said UAS.

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