PRAYA - The Mandalika Circuit in the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) of Kuta Village, Pujut District, Central Lombok, NTB has become a tourist destination, so tourists take their photos with a background sign that reads Mandalika Circuit.
According to observations, visitors who will go on vacation to the Mandalika SEZ via the Lombok-Mandalika Airport bypass road, are not infrequently seen stopping to take selfies using cell phones with a sign saying "Bypass BIL-Mandalika" as the background.
In addition, there are also tourists who take selfies with a background that reads "Welcome To Mandalika" which is at the Songgong roundabout on the Bypass road and reads "Mandalika Circuit" which is in front of the entrance of the Circuit.
"I take selfies for collection on my cellphone and social media," said Janata, a resident of Mataram city.
In addition, a number of street vendors took advantage of this moment to offer their wares to visitors who stopped taking selfies, such as sellers of t-shirts, cilok and young coconut ice.
"This can be a business opportunity for us as a place to sell for a while," said Edy, one of the shirt sellers in Mandalika, Sunday.
He said the sales turnover was quite high on holidays such as Saturdays and Sundays, because on other days it was not so crowded when compared to the end of 2021 holidays.
"Saturday and Sunday are just busy," he said.
Regarding the MotoGP event at the Mandalika Circuit in March 2022, he really welcomes the world-class motorcycle racing event at the Mandalika Circuit, because it can bring tourists and can encourage people's economic growth.
"If many tourists come, of course our turnover will increase. Like in the World Superbike event yesterday, the turnover of my t-shirts is almost IDR 2 million per day," he said.
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