JAKARTA - Canadian health agencies admit they accessed data on 33 million mobile devices to monitor people during the COVID-19 lockdown, according to a report published Friday.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) accessed mobility data, such as cell tower locations, from 33 million devices, according to the National Post, citing a spokesman for the agency.

"Location data was used to understand possible links between population movement in Canada and the spread of COVID-19," the spokesperson said, citing Anadolu Agency's Daily Sabah Dec. 25.

He added that the agency signed a contract with the Telus company in March, which expired last October.

"PHAC no longer has access to location data," he said.

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner did not comment on the matter, saying it was seeking more information. Meanwhile, privacy advocates say they are concerned about tracking data.

For information, Canada is currently struggling to anticipate the new wave of COVID-19 caused by the Omicron variant. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Friday the spike in cases of the Omicron variant was 'scary'.

Meanwhile, a top medical official suggested the healthcare system could soon become packed with patients.

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