JAKARTA - The initiator of the Kerapatan Indonesia Homeland (KITA) movement, Maman Imanulhaq, said that the aim of forming KITA was not to match the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (US). KITA was formed to correct WE who were considered as a group of disappointed groups in the results of the 2019 Presidential Election.

"This is no match. This is a correction for the group that declared US. We do not want, after the presidential election, there are still people who hold grudges," said Maman when contacted by VOI, Friday, August 21.

The former Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin Volunteer Director said that his party did not oppose the presence of the US movement. However, KITA emphasized that Maman would criticize figures in the US movement who built a narrative of criticism without a solution.

"The Jokowi administration must indeed be criticized constructively. The right of opinion and assembly is guaranteed by the constitution. However, no group should continue to hold grudges, cynically, as if they wanted to seize power. That is not very beautiful," said Maman.

According to him, constructive and argumentative criticism is needed so that the government is serious about facing the COVID-19 pandemic, not throwing criticism that attacks personal. Therefore, KITA hopes that national leaders will give a spirit of unity and constructive national ideas.

"We want the nation's leaders to have statesmen spirit, not power-hungry ones. Whatever the motive, the spirit of statesmanship of the figures is indispensable for Indonesia today," said Maman.

Apart from Maman, the people who initiated KITA were cultural figures Taufik Rahzen, religious leaders Abun Bunyamin and Jhoan Souhokua, as well as several other figures.

KITA was declared in the Joeang building, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, 19 August. A number of figures and volunteer organs as well as cultural elements, pesantren and habaib attended.

The KITA movement was echoed shortly after Din Syamsuddin and several political figures declared the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (KAMI).

Regarding the emergence of the pro-Jokowi movement, Executive Director of the Indonesia Political Review, Ujang Komarudin. He said, the presence of KITA which was declared by the former Director of National Campaign Team Volunteers (TKN) Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin, Maman Imanulhaq, aims to fight or counter the WE movement.

"Formed by the authorities using their supporters. This is usually to counter the US movement," said Ujang.

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