JAKARTA - The police arrested Godelfridus Janter (48) as a Grab Car driver who was involved in the alleged abuse case. In fact, in that case he was already named a suspect.

"He has been (arrested and named a suspect, ed)," said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ady Wibowo to VOI, Thursday, December 25.

Godelfridus' arrest took place at a shopping center in the Slipi area, West Jakarta, on Friday, December 24.

Meanwhile, the determination of the suspect against him is based on evidence. Moreover, in the examination after being arrested, Godelfridus admitted all his actions.

Previously, an online taxi driver was reported again for the case of assaulting a female passenger. The victim, with the initials NT (25), suffered several injuries as a result of being hit by the perpetrator. NT reported the incident to the Tambora Police, West Jakarta.

According to information received, the incident began when the victim and her brother came home from a friend's birthday. He ordered a taxi online to his house. On the way, the victim wanted to vomit and asked the taxi driver to stop for a moment. But according to the victim's narrative, the driver was silent.

NT opened the car window and threw up. The taxi driver did not accept it because the victim's vomit hit the car. Although it was explained that the victim would reimburse the washing fee, the taxi driver did not accept it. The taxi driver or the perpetrator cursed the victim and demanded Rp. 300 thousand.

Then the victim got out of the car and threatened his brother by calling his friends to come gang up on him. Furthermore, the victim was also threatened and held his body parts.

The victim fought back by slapping the driver's hand so as not to touch his sensitive parts. But the perpetrator actually attacked him. As a result of the incident, NT suffered minor injuries to his face and stomach.

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