JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo ensures that he will provide maximum and optimal service and security throughout the celebration of Christmas and New Year's 2022 worship.

This was conveyed by the National Police Chief when directly reviewing the implementation of health protocols (prokes) during the Christmas Mass at the Cathedral Church, Jakarta, together with DPR Chair Puan Maharani and TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa, Friday, December 24.

In addition to ensuring the enforcement of health protocols at the Cathedral Church, the National Police Chief and his entourage also checked the GPIB Paulus Church, Jakarta.

"Then, on this occasion, we also ensure that we will provide optimal service and security," said Sigit after checking the implementation of health procedures at the Cathedral Church, Friday, December 24.

Sigit emphasized that TNI-Polri personnel and other related parties will continue to work together to provide a sense of security and comfort for all people who are attending Christmas and New Year's services.

"Of course, it is supported by the Panglima and all ranks of the TNI, to ensure that the entire series of Christmas celebrations and those that will continue until the New Year, really run smoothly and successfully," said the National Police Chief.

General Sigit also carried out direct checks on the series of health protocols implemented at the Cathedral Church. Starting from the use of the PeduliLindung application to the capacity of the congregation to carry out worship directly.

Sigit also immediately had a dialogue with representatives of the Church regarding the arrangement of health protocols for the congregations who were present in person. After talking, Sigit also followed the implementation of the health program, by washing his hands before entering the two churches he visited.

"Seeing how it is implemented in terms of organizing a series of health programs starting from the entry process and then using the PeduliLindung application to regulating activities within the Church. As regulated, it is currently being carried out with a capacity of 50 percent and the rest is carried out virtually," said this former Police Criminal Investigation Officer.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo/PHOTO: Police Public Relations

The strengthening of prokes, said Sigit, was an effort to anticipate a spike in active cases of the corona virus after the Christmas and New Year periods. Considering, in the previous year, there were additional cases of COVID-19 after the year-end holiday period.

The National Police Chief, General Sigit, stated that this should be used as a lesson and evaluation so that the same thing does not happen again. That way, the positive trend of controlling Covid-19 which is currently good can be maintained even after Nataru.

"Of course all of this must be done to keep Covid-19 under control and the results are quite good where the Positivity Rate is below 1. We can still maintain this because the experience in Nataru then increased two and a half times and continued to rise later. entered on Eid al-Fitr. Of course this is a lesson for all of us, even though our current number of COVID-19 is good, "said Sigit.

With the handling and control of COVID-19 that continues to run optimally, Sigit hopes that there will be no spike at the end of until the beginning of 2022.

The National Police Chief stressed to all parties not to be negligent and careless in the face of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Moreover, 160 countries are currently facing a new variant of COVID-19, namely Omicron. In Indonesia itself, based on information from the Ministry of Health, Omicron cases have been found.

"Everything we have achieved we can maintain. Moreover, now we know that a new variant is being developed in almost 160 countries and eight have entered Indonesia. So like it or not, we still have to implement the health protocols strongly.

Therefore, we thank you for the existing implementation. So that the Christmas celebration process can still run even with strict procedures," said the National Police Chief.

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