Gus Yahya Ketum PBNU, KPK: It's Time For NU To Lead The Social Jihad Movement Against Corruption
KH Yahya Cholil Staquf or known as Gus Yahya/ANTARA

JAKARTA - The KPK leadership congratulated the election of KH Miftachul Akhyar as Rais Aam PBNU and KH Yahya Cholil Staquf or known as Gus Yahya at the 34th Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Conference.

"KPK hopes that NU as the largest Islamic organization in the world that has been dedicated to the struggle to give birth, protect and care for Indonesia. Now Indonesia, which is respected by NU, is fighting against corruption, because the justice and prosperity of Indonesia which was aspired to by the nation's founders is hampered and can fail because of corruption, corruption has permeated all joints and sectors of the nation," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron to reporters, Friday, December 24. .

According to Ghufron, no one should be left behind, let alone remain silent in the fight against corruption. All parties must take part in the anti-corruption movement.

"We hope that NU Istiqomah will be at the forefront of moral and social movements in eradicating and cleaning corruption from the land of Indonesia. The greatness of NU in terms of values and the number of congregations is expected to be able to drive the anti-corruption social movement. It's time for NU to return to be the leader of the struggle and jihad against corruption," said Ghufron.

Gus Yahya, the familiar greeting of KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf was elected as the General Chair of PBNU after obtaining the most votes from the Nahdlatul Ulama Regional Management (PWNU), Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Management (PCNU), and Nahdlatul Ulama Special Branch Management (PCINU).

The decision was made at the V Plenary Session led by the Chair and Secretary of the Steering Committee of the 34th NU Congress, Prof. Muhammad Nuh and H. Asrorun Niam Sholeh at the Multipurpose Building (GSG) University of Lampung (Unila), Friday, December 24.

Gus Yahya won 337 votes while Kiai Said as the incumbent candidate won 210 votes. Previously, KH. Miftachul Akhyar was elected through the AHWA mechanism by nine senior NU kiai who are members of AHWA.

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