JAKARTA - The chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD said Commission B of the DKI DPRD will summon the BUMD PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol to explain the use of a Rp 1.2 trillion credit from Bank DKI.

Prasetyo suspects that some of the loans disbursed will be used to support the implementation of Formula E. The DKI Provincial Government has designated Ancol as the circuit.

"The information is for the construction of facilities and infrastructure. Is this to build a Formula E circuit? Because it includes facilities and infrastructure," Prasetyo told reporters, Friday, December 24.

Prasetyo explained that he took issue with the allegation. Because, to repay the loan, Ancol will definitely ask for local capital participation (PMD) from the APBD.

"So this is too complicated, a lot of public funds are used for Formula E. Starting from the APBD money, Jakpro, Bank DKI and now it's Ancol's turn," he said.

Meanwhile, Secretary of Commission B DPRD DKI Pandapotan Sinaga confirmed that his party would arrange a meeting schedule with Ancol. However, the time has not yet been determined.

"About the Bank DKI loan for Ancol, that's what we want to ask. (The meeting will be held) soon. We will discuss everything later," said Pandapotan.

For information, Bank DKI has disbursed loans worth Rp1.24 trillion to Pembangunan Jaya Ancol in a collaborative digital marketing service business collaboration.

The credit disbursement is carried out in stages. First, there is a working capital loan disbursement of Rp. 389 billion for Ancol's operational activities. Furthermore, Bank DKI distributed Rp516 billion in credit for the refinancing of PUB II Ancol Phase II Bonds.

In the future, Bank DKI will disburse loans of Rp. 334 billion to finance routine investments, maintenance and development of the Jaya Ancol Development assets.

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