PALEMBANG - A total of seven regencies/cities in South Sumatra have exceeded the target of the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination of 70 percent of the population to achieve communal immunity by early 2022.

"The areas that exceeded the COVID-19 vaccination target were Prabumulih City 85.22 percent, Palembang 81.07 percent, Lubuklinggau 72.40 percent, Pagaralam City 71.88, Musi Banyuasin Regency 75.88 percent, Pali 72.35 percent. and Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) 70.38 percent," said Head of the South Sumatra Health Service Lesty Nuraini in Palembang, Friday, December 24.

Meanwhile, the other 10 regencies/cities in South Sumatra with vaccination rates ranging from 58-69 percent will continue to be encouraged to immediately reach the set targets.

Regions that are encouraged to accelerate vaccination services are Banyuasin Regency, which currently has 58.66 percent vaccination achievements, South OKU 59.17 percent, East OKU 59.53 percent.

In addition, North Musirawas (Muratara) 59.99 percent, Ogan Komering Ilir 60.87 percent, Lahat 61.15 percent, Ogan Ilir 61.27 percent, Musirawas 63.88 percent, Empat Lawang 64.94 percent, and Muara Regency Enim 69.85 percent.

Based on data on the realization of vaccination service activities which took place from mid-January to December 24, 2021, Prabumulih City recorded the highest vaccination achievement.

"While the lowest is Banyuasin Regency, which currently has only 58.66 percent of vaccination achievements," he said.

To achieve the target of communal immunity, his party encourages the vaccinator team of all health facilities in districts/cities where vaccination achievement is still low to be more aggressive in providing COVID-19 vaccination services to the community.

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has lasted for about two years, health protocols (prokes) such as always wearing a mask, keeping a distance, and always washing hands must be strictly applied in daily life.

In addition, people who have not been vaccinated and meet the requirements are advised to immediately visit the nearest puskesmas or places that hold COVID-19 vaccination services in bulk.

"Through these acceleration efforts, it is hoped that the vaccination target of at least 70 percent of the population of South Sumatra or around 6.3 million people can be achieved soon," said Kadinkes.

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