MATARAM - The Satreskrim Polresta Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) arrested a father with the initials IS (37) who is suspected of having had sex with his 15-year-old biological son.

"Based on the reports of the victim's uncle and aunt or the alleged perpetrator's older brother, our team and we immediately carried out security to the location," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mataram Police, Kompol Kadek Adi Budi Astawa, in Mataram, Antara, Friday, December 24.

According to reports, the alleged perpetrator committed a heinous act to his eldest daughter on Friday morning in the victim's room.

"So in the morning the report came in, in the afternoon we secured the location. From the location, we have received initial interrogation with the complainant and also the victim. We also carry out TKP (crime scene) investigations at the location," he said.

According to the victim, the alleged perpetrator forced him to do so since his biological mother went to Malaysia.

"So since his mother left him as a PMI (Indonesian Migrant Worker) in Malaysia, last November, the alleged perpetrator had sex with the victim," said Kadek Adi.

Since going to Malaysia, it was revealed that her biological father had repeatedly raped her. In every action he took, the victim admitted that he always received threats to be killed by the alleged perpetrator.

The suspicion of IS's actions has also been confirmed from the victim's post-mortem. The hospital has found signs that lead to sexual intercourse.

Furthermore, Kadek Adi said that the alleged perpetrator had been detained at the Mataram Police Headquarters. The handling of the case is now under the control of the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Mararam Police Satreskrim.

"So intensive examination is still ongoing. Now we are trying to collect evidence that leads to criminal acts of child molestation and child sexual intercourse," he also said.

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