JAKARTA - The Papuan Police noted that the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) had spread terror acts 92 times. Members of the TNI-Polri were also victims.
"The handling of prominent cases during 2021 occurred as many as 92 cases of Armed Civilian Groups," said Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D Fakhiri in a written statement, Friday, December 24.
From the available data, KKB often acts in 5 areas in Papua. Among others, Yahukimo Regency, Bintang Mountains Regency, Intan Jaya Regency, Puncak Regency and Nduga Regency.
In addition, of the 92 acts of terror carried out by the KKB, 30 members of the TNI and 7 members of the Police became victims. Several people from civil society were also recorded as victims.
"11 TNI members died and 19 were injured, 4 Polri members died and 3 were injured, and 19 people died and 11 people were injured in the community," said Fakhiri.
Meanwhile, KKB members were also prosecuted for carrying out acts of terror. Noted, 12 members of the group have been prosecuted. There are also those who have pledged allegiance to Indonesia during a criminal period.
"On the other hand, there are 27 KKB groups who have declared themselves to be returning to the NKRI lap in the Yapen Police jurisdiction," said Fakhiri.
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