JAKARTA - The Directorate of Drug Crimes (Dittipidnarkoba) of the Indonesian National Police Criminal Investigation Department recorded a decline in narcotics cases throughout 2021 by 18 percent. In which, 104 cases of narcotics trafficking have been disclosed.

This decrease is based on a comparison of disclosures in 2020, which were 127 cases of narcotics trafficking that were disclosed.

"Disclosure of cases in 2021 has decreased by 18 percent compared to yesterday's 2020 which reached 127 cases," said the Director of Drugs and Crime of the National Police, Brigadier General Krisno Halomoan Siregar in his statement, Friday, December 24.

From that case, Bareskrim recorded 5 modus operandi that were often used by the suspects. They use shipping by sea, online, to outboard systems.

"Through sea routes, cargo delivery, people's port doors, online shipping services, to outboard systems," said Krisno.

Of the hundreds of cases, Bareskrim conducted a search for the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU). As a result, a number of assets estimated at Rp341 billion were successfully confiscated.

"We have also confiscated Rp 341 billion in money laundering from drug sales throughout 2021, this is an increase of 35 percent compared to 2020," said Krisno.

Meanwhile, for the disclosure of money laundering offenses carried out by the Regional Police, the ranks reached Rp. 28 billion. In which, the Central Sulawesi Regional Police recorded the most ML disclosures.

"Of the 13 Polda, Central Sulawesi is the area that has the most success in confiscating assets resulting from money laundering crimes. The money that has been secured is more than Rp. 10 billion," said Krisno.

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