PANGKALPINANG - The Bangka Belitung Islands Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force isolated 28 active COVID-19 patients, in order to prevent the transmission of the corona virus in the area.

"Today, the number of cases has increased by two, bringing the total number of COVID-19 patients undergoing isolation to 28," said Secretary of the Babel Islands Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force Mikron Antariksa in Pangkalpinang, Friday, December 24.

He explained that based on the latest data, the daily number of COVID-19 cases increased by two, with a cumulative number of 52,350 people, spread over one person in Bangka and Central Bangka. Meanwhile, other regencies/cities have no additional cases.

Likewise, the number of recovered patients from COVID-19 has increased by two, with a cumulative 50,861 people, one in West Bangka and one in Belitung.

"Currently, 28 active COVID-19 patients are undergoing isolation, spread across Pangkalpinang 14, Belitung five, Central Bangka 4. Three West Bangka, one South Bangka and one Bangka. Meanwhile, in East Belitung, no patients are undergoing isolation," he said.

He said 20 of the 28 active patients were undergoing quarantine at a referral hospital, while the rest were isolated in centralized isolation.

"Today there are no COVID-19 patients who are self-isolating, so this can reduce the potential for transmission of the family cluster corona virus," he said. According to him, in preventing and suppressing COVID-19 cases during the Christmas and New Year 2022 holidays, the task force and government agencies Other related matters are tightening the entry gate for supervision and inspection of prospective passengers at ports and airports.

"We are tightening inspections of passengers on ships and airplanes, to ensure they are not confirmed to have COVID-19, which will infect the people of this area," he said. This was reported by Antara.

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