KUPANG - The NTT Regional Police reconstructed the case of the murder of a mother and her baby who were found wrapped in plastic bags by workers at the Kali Dendeng SPAM pipeline excavation project, Kupang City, some time ago.

It has been revealed, apparently the poor baby with the initials L (1) was not killed by the father and perpetrator of Randy B, but the mother herself.

"From the results of the reconstruction carried out for two days, it is known that the one-year-old victim L was killed by his biological mother named Astri who is also a victim in this case," said Head of Public Relations of the NTT Polda Kombes Rishian Krisna B to reporters in Kupang, Antara, Thursday. December 23.

Astri killed her baby because Randy B, who is the biological father, wanted to take L. Not wanting L to be taken by Randy, Astri then killed her child by strangling and smothering her.

This action provoked the anger of the perpetrator so that he was desperate to smother Astri's mouth to death. "So based on the results of the autopsy, the cause of death for Astri and L was out of breath due to being strangled or smothered by the suspect Randy," he added.

Reconstruction was carried out in 13 locations with 39 scenes. The murders of Astri and L occurred on August 28, 2021 and were only buried on August 31, 2021 by the suspect.

During the span of four days, the bodies of Astri and L were left in the vehicle he rented while he was trying to find crackle paper to put the bodies of Astri and L in.

After being buried at the SPAM Project site on August 31, Randy then returned to his home and met his legal wife. But instead he was scolded because he had not returned to his house for several days without news.

After about a month had passed, the bodies of the mother and baby were found by SPAM project workers wrapped in plastic and partially damaged at the end of last October.

It was previously reported that at the end of October, two bodies of a woman and a baby were found buried in the SPAM project area in Penkase sub-district, Alak sub-district.

After DNA testing, it was found that the woman was Astri and the baby was L's son. The case developed and attracted a lot of public attention.

In the end, it was discovered that the biological father of the innocent child was Randy, who was now named a suspect.

The police, said Krisna, are still conducting further investigations into the case. However, he was reluctant to mention that Randy was the perpetrator or the sole suspect in the case.

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