TERNATE - Minister of Home Affairs Muhammad Tito Karnavian held a strategic coordination meeting related to the acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination with all regional heads, both regents and mayors throughout North Sumatra.

"I hope that the vaccine achievement in North Maluku can continue to be boosted in these seven days, because according to the report, the vaccination achievement in North Maluku is in the 30th position out of 34 provinces in Indonesia with an achievement of 53.88 percent, so President Joko Widodo ordered all provinces in Indonesia, including North Maluku, to boost vaccination achievements," said the Minister of Home Affairs during a coordination meeting with all regional heads in Ternate, Thursday, December 23.

Therefore, the Minister of Home Affairs has instructed all regional heads in North Maluku to take advantage of the time with existing budget support, so that by the end of December 2021, vaccination achievements can meet the target of 70 percent.

He acknowledged that the acceleration of vaccination in Indonesia, the President has appointed a number of Ministers, namely the Minister of Health, the Minister of Home Affairs, the National Police Chief, the Commander and the Head of BIN to accelerate the achievement of vaccinations in each region in an effort to accelerate vaccination, so there must be collaboration between regional heads and the Leadership Communication Forum. Regions (Forkompimda) together with the TNI-Polri, so that vaccination achievements can be fulfilled.

He hoped that there would be no impression that the TNI-Polri would run alone, and that the local government would run alone, so that communication and coordination between agencies was needed so that the acceleration of vaccination could meet the target.

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian himself during a working visit in Ternate saw vaccinations centered at the Dhuafa Center of Ternate City.

After holding a strategic coordination meeting related to the acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination with all regional heads, both regents and mayors for the Malut Province, they went directly to Ambon to see regional readiness to accelerate vaccination in the area.

Meanwhile, the North Maluku (Malut) COVID-19 Handling Task Force (Satgas) noted that seven regencies/cities in the North Maluku region are currently listed in the green zone and three other districts are still in the COVID-19 yellow zone status.

The Coordinator for the Data and Information Technology of the North Maluku COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Dr. Rosita Alkatiri, confirmed that seven regencies/cities were included in the green zone based on public health indicators in the area. South Halmahera and North Halmahera.

"In addition, we also note that, as of today, there are eight regencies/cities in North Maluku with zero active cases of COVID-19 including the Sula Islands, East Halmahera, Morotai Island, Taliabu Island, Morotai Island, Ternate City, Tidore Islands and Central Halmahera. ," he said.

Meanwhile, for today, the total number of active COVID-19 cases in North Maluku is 4 people, one person is undergoing treatment at the RSU and 3 people are undergoing self-isolation.

Rosita said that there are districts in North Maluku that still have active COVID-19 patients, including South Halmahera, which has three active cases and North Halmahera, one active case of COVID-19, meanwhile, three cases from South Halmahera are still undergoing self-isolation. As reported by Antara

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