The Flow Of Vehicles Out Of Jakarta Increases Until Early Thursday
This weekend's long holiday traffic arrangement scheme (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - The outflow of traffic from Jakarta has increased in volume since Wednesday, August 19 afternoon until early Thursday. The police have prepared contra flow engineering from KM 47 to KM 61 in order to decompose the volume of vehicles on the Jakarta - Cikampek toll road.

The Head of the Traffic Corps Ops (Korlantas) Polri Kombes Rudi Antariksawan said that coinciding with the long Hijri New Year holiday, starting at 15.00 WIB Wednesday, there was an increase in traffic flow from Jakarta to Bandung and Central Java.

"Tonight it seems that everyone is busy, so we have prepared traffic engineering starting from KM 47 to KM 61. We will carry out a contraflow heading towards Bandung and Central Java," said Rudi.

Rudi said the traffic engineering effort was carried out to provide a sense of security while accelerating traffic flow. Contraflow engineering will be extended as density continues to increase.

"So that it can accelerate traffic flow, both the elevated toll road intersections and the toll roads below. If it is still deemed unable to break the flow, we will conduct a contraflow from KM 29," he explained.

Furthermore, Rudi explained that the movement of vehicles out of Jakarta that was observed was not very crowded. This is due to the policy of the Directorate General of Land Transportation which regulates the restriction of goods vehicles with three axes and above from crossing the toll road.

"So that the flow of traffic can be pulled and also starting at 12.00 this afternoon in accordance with the appeal from the Director General of Land Transportation that the transfer of three-axle goods vehicles and above does not go through toll roads, so we will divert through the arterial route, Pantura and later reenter Palimanan until Thursday at 12 noon. To reduce the flow coming from Jakarta to Central Java and Bandung. So far we have seen it was busy but still running smoothly, "he said.

In addition, the police also anticipate a build-up of vehicles in the rest area along the Trans Java toll road.

Placement of personnel in each rest area to help regulate vehicle movement so that people are comfortable without having to jostle.

"The rest area is also a source of obstacles if it is full at certain times, for example in the afternoon, during this prayer service we arrange to open and close the rest area so that people do not enter the rest area. We also conduct patrols because there are still many people who stop on the shoulder of the road. will hamper the flow of traffic, "he said.

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