DENPASAR - Male Foreign Citizen (WNA) from Mexico State Israel Ravirosa Figueroa (39) volunteered to become an Indonesian citizen (WNI) to the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM) Bali.

Israel works as a Company Director at PT. Olmec Industries which is engaged in the supplier of Mexican food. Israel currently lives in the Seminyak area, Badung Regency, Bali.

He applied for citizenship in accordance with Law Number 12 of 2006 concerning Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Article 8 which stipulates that citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia can also be obtained through citizenship and Article 9 which regulates the requirements for applying for citizenship. In addition, Article 3 of Government Regulation Number 2 of 2007 also regulates procedures for obtaining loss and cancellation and regaining Indonesian Citizenship ," said the Head of the Bali Regional Office for the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Jamaruli Manihuruk, Thursday, December 23.

When asked by the verification team, Israel admitted that he wanted to become an Indonesian citizen because he had fallen in love with Indonesia since his visit in 2006.

This is evidenced by his seriousness in learning the Indonesian language by self-taught until he is fluent in the language until now.

Then, in 2010 Israel returned to Bali to settle in Bali by using a Limited Stay Permit Card (KITAS) and working as a Director at PT Olmec Industries.

"I know in my heart, my life must continue here in Bali. Not only for myself but can be useful and help the community by opening job opportunities to advance the economy, especially in Bali," said Israel.

In addition, the verification team also asked about national insights such as Pancasila and the national anthem Indonesia Raya. All answered well by Israel.

Jamaruli as the head of the verification session said that this citizenship session is one of the requirements for submitting a citizenship application. Jamaruli emphasized that if Israel was later accepted as an Indonesian citizen, it would not be allowed to have dual citizenship.

"Because Indonesia only adheres to one nationality and if the foreigner's application on behalf of Israel Ravirosa Figueroa is approved, it is hoped that it can contribute and contribute to the Indonesian state. Formally, the foreigner is considered good, later the verifier team will further verify the completeness of the file and then submit it to the central government. ," said Jamaruli.

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