JAKARTA - The plan of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) to implement lecturer certification only for Muslims has caused a reaction. Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW) said that the policy was an act that was unfair and discriminatory.

HNW reminded the Ministry of Religion not to give bad 'gifts' to Muslims at the moment of commemoration of the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Anniversary and the Islamic New Year / 1442 Hijriah.

"In fact, according to historical facts, Muslims are very instrumental in saving the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. Especially when Muslims are willing to make sacrifices, to fulfill the demands of changing the first principle of Pancasila to God Almighty, so that the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia which was just proclaimed on 17-8-1945 is safe. "said HNW in a statement released by Antara, Wednesday, August 19.

According to him, the Ministry of Religion's plan to certify Islamic preachers has been rejected and criticized by non-Muslim figures such as Christ Wamena.

HNW said that even if certification is held, its application must be aimed at preachers of all religions so that justice is upright, not suspicious of one another, and the principles of moderate, tolerant, inclusive religion truly become a commitment for all preachers of all religions.

"The Minister of Religion should not discriminate against Muslims, and must act fairly according to the 2nd and 5th principles of Pancasila. If the certification program is to be implemented as well, it must be professional, trustworthy, fair and not discriminatory, especially with politicization, "he also said.

The member of Commission VIII DPR RI considered that the government's program should be for preachers of all religions in a fair and trustworthy manner.

"Moreover, the Minister of Religion once stated that he was not the Minister of Islam, but the Minister of all religions," he said again.

HNW said that even though it supports Islam wasathiyah (moderate), tasamuh (tolerant), and rejects radicalism, the discourse on preaching certification which is discriminatory and unprofessional and has been rolling since 2015 is an exaggeration.

This policy, according to him, could in fact be intolerant and intolerant because it is better to present an example related to tolerance and moderation, among others, by opening up space for dialogue, if the goal is to prevent radicalism and present moderate, tolerant and non-radical religious lectures and preachers. .

"Even if the program is to be implemented, the rules must be applied to preachers of all religions. The selection is carried out transparently, using measures justified by the teachings of each religion, as well as legal provisions that apply in the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

HNW admitted to being surprised by the 'insistent' attitude of the Ministry of Religion because the lecturer certification program was not in President Jokowi's campaign promise, nor was it a Priority activity for the 2020 Government / Ministry of Religion Work Plan as submitted to the DPR at the end of 2019 and April 2020 after 'refocusing' activities due to COVID-19.

He is in fact worried that the discriminatory program could raise suspicion from the government, mutual suspicion among religious propagators, disturb Islamic preachers, especially if the program can be used to make it difficult for preachers and Muslims.

"Whereas they used to be very instrumental in fighting for Indonesian independence even though they were accused of being a radical group by the Dutch colonialists. Muslims were even very tolerant, fulfilling the demands of minorities, with the agreement to change the 1st precept to be the one and only Godhead," he also said.

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