In Memoriam Mbah Minto, Ganjar Pranowo: Inspiration To Many People, Hopefully Husnul Khotimah
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo (ANTARA)

SEMARANG - The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, mourns the death of Mbah Minto Klaten. Ganjar prayed for the Youtube star who had gone viral with funny but meaningful parodies on Ucup Klaten's youtube channel, Husnul Khotimah.

"We are sorry for the death of Mbah Minto. Hopefully he will be husnul khotimah," said Ganjar in a written statement received in Jakarta, Thursday, December 23.

According to Ganjar, Mbah Minto is a person who really inspires everyone. With her innocent and funny style, the 85-year-old grandmother whose full name is Minto Suwito Siyam can entertain and make people happy.

"Not only entertaining, but at the same time being able to give messages to the community," he recalled.

According to Ganjar, the collaboration between Mbah Minto and Ucup Klaten inspires others. About how to communicate well to the public, by bringing a good message as well.

"This can inspire others, this is a good way of communicating to the public. The message can be obtained, with a contemporary style. And it turns out that you don't have to be young, even senior people as innocent as Mbah Minto can inspire many people. Including me," he concluded. .

Mbah Minto is an 85 year old grandmother from Selorejo Hamlet, Krakitan Village, Bayat District, Klaten. Mbah Minto's name became famous when he appeared in Ucup Klaten's slapstick youtube content for the failed mudik.

Since the video failed to go viral, Mbah Minto has become famous. After that, there were many videos made by Mbah Minto that always attracted attention.

The memory between Ganjar and Mbah Minto is when Ganjar called Mbah Minto after the video asking for THR went viral. Ganjar also gave THR to Mbah Minto in the amount of Rp. 1 million.

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