SUMSEL - The Ogan Komering Ulu Regency (OKU) COVID-19 Task Force, South Sumatra stated that residents of Baturaja City are prohibited from celebrating New Year's Eve 2022 which has the potential for mass crowds to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Secretary of the OKU COVID-19 Task Force Amzar Kristopa explained that the regulation was contained in the OKU Regent's Circular Letter Number 360 of 2021 concerning the ban on the 2022 New Year's Eve party so as not to cause new cases of the spread of the new type of corona virus in the local area.

In the circular, the local government forbids the public from holding New Year's Eve celebrations, either in the form of parades, processions openly or closed. To anticipate crowds of people, the task force team will be deployed at a number of crowded points in Baturaja City (the capital of OKU Regency).

"Especially in Baturaja City Park, which is the focal point for monitoring the implementation of the 5M health protocol," he said in Baturaja, Antara, Wednesday, December 22.

The joint task force team will conduct patrols on New Year's Eve to prevent crowds of people who have the potential to spread COVID-19.

"If there is a crowd it will be disbanded," he said.

His party will also ensure that all entertainment venues, such as malls, hotels and restaurants, have implemented the PeduliLindung application so that the spread of COVID-19 can be detected as early as possible.

"All places of business are required to implement the PeduliLindung application for every visitor who comes," he said.

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