Man In North Tapanuli Tied By Residents Then Beaten For Accused Of Kidnapping Children

MEDAN - Video of a man being tied up and beaten by residents was shared on social media. The man was arrested by residents because he was accused of kidnapping children.

In the video circulating, it is explained that the incident occurred in Siborong-borong, North Tapanuli, North Sumatra. The man accused of kidnapping the child was tied to a stake.

This man was interrogated by residents. Then someone kicked him in the face. Regarding this incident, the Head of Subdivision of Public Relations of the North Tapanuli Police, Aiptu Walpon Baringbing, said that this man was handed over to the police by residents on December 21.

"He was handed over with bruises, so we took treatment at the puskesmas," said Aiptu Walpon, Wednesday, December 22.

The police also had time to question the man. It is suspected that the man had a mental disorder.

"When we examined the person concerned, he could not understand the sentence. Even the answer could not be understood by our investigators. This means that the question with the answer is not connected. Even his name, address, he himself does not know," he said.

However, the police are still investigating the alleged kidnapping by residents.

"The elements of kidnapping as circulated on social media do not yet have strong evidence, in our investigation. However, we are still looking for evidence as alleged by local residents," he said.

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