JAKARTA - The courier service office on Jalan Pondok Kelapa Raya, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, was observed to be closed and there was no activity by the workers after the attack by an unknown group of people. As a result of the attack incident, local residents are worried that a similar attack will occur.

From VOI's observation at the location, the courier office which was the location of the attack appeared to be closed. The rolling door is also attached with a chain and a padlock. Likewise with the fence in the front yard of the office, tightly closed. There is no visible activity in this office.

According to Asep, residents around the location, usually the expedition office is already open in the morning, but is currently closed.

"The Antar Aja office is closed, it's been a while since it's been open. Yesterday it was crowded and suddenly it was noisy, I don't know what caused it," Asep told reporters at the location, Wednesday, December 22.

Asep also did not know for certain the cause of the commotion. But all he knew was that the police came after the commotion.

"Suddenly the police came yesterday. Maybe the day was closed after the attack. Yes, people are starting to get restless over this incident," he said.

Regarding the attack, members of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the East Jakarta Metro Police have arrested a number of youths involved in the attack.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the East Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Ahsanul Muqqafi said that his party was still investigating the four people who were arrested. All four of them are from the labor supplier.

"We haven't (become suspects). We haven't just started an initial investigation. We're just doing the interrogation. In fact, the two people were in the viral video. So it was the two people who confessed. The other two seem to be victims as well," said Kasat when confirmed, Wednesday 22 December.

Kasat said, so far the victims of the attacks and beatings amounted to three people.

"There were three victims, one person was post-mortem," he said.

As of now, the police are still investigating the incident. The reason is that from the Anteraja and labor suppliers there are victims.

"Because the point is that they are both victims. There are victims of the labor supplier, from the package side there are victims," he said.

Kasat continued, judging from the video footage, the labor supplier was attacked but in fact the job supplier was also beaten by two security guards.

"So there are both victims of beatings there," he said.

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