ACEH - The East Aceh District Health Office stated that seven infants under five years old or toddlers in the district were malnourished throughout 2021.

"There are seven toddlers who are malnourished who have finished treatment and some are still being treated," said Head of the Family Health and Nutrition Section at the East Aceh District Health Office Erlinawati in East Aceh, Antara, Wednesday, December 22.

The cause of malnutrition is due to several factors, including economic problems. These children are scattered in a number of sub-districts in East Aceh.

"Low economic problems are the dominant factor experienced by many families, thus affecting the condition of failure to thrive in their toddlers due to lack of nutritional intake," he said.

In addition to economic factors, poor nutrition in children is also caused by environmental health, infectious diseases such as intestinal worms and comorbidities such as congenital heart disease, hydrocephalus and others.

Concomitant disease factors in children who were previously born healthy, but over time they lose weight, thus making them suffer from malnutrition.

Erlinawati said the impact of poor nutrition not only affects the child's physical, but also reduces the ability of the brain to work in children.

"To deal with this, assistance and support as well as cooperation from various related parties are needed. In addition, changes in family food patterns that are healthier, diverse, nutritious and balanced for children with malnutrition," said Erlinawati.

Erlinawati said cases of malnutrition in East Aceh decreased from the previous year which reached 19 cases. And the East Aceh Regency Government is targeting zero cases of malnutrition for the next five years.

"The East Aceh Health Service has formed a team to accelerate the handling of malnutrition. Handling of malnutrition also involves all policy makers in East Aceh Regency," said Erlinawati.

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