MEDAN - Police have named the perpetrators of the abuse of teenage girls in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra as suspects.

Temporary acting (Ps) Kasat Reskrim Polrestabes Medan Kompol Muhammad Firdaus said the four perpetrators were 14 years old, 15 years old and 2 perpetrators were 13 years old.

As a result of his actions the four perpetrators were charged with Article 80 paragraph (1) Jo 76 c of the Law (UU) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection.

"The threat of a minimum sentence of 3 years and 6 months in prison and a maximum fine of Rp. 72 million," said Kompol Firdaus accompanied by the Head of PPA AKP Madianta Ginting in the release of the case at the Medan Polrestabes, Tuesday, December 21.

The persecution took place at a Chinese cemetery on Jalan Cempaka Sari, Deli Serdang. The teenage girl who was the victim of abuse was 14 years old.

Kompol Firdaus said the incident began when a perpetrator found out the contents of the victim's WhatsApp message with his girlfriend with the initials P alias U.

"After that, a 13-year-old perpetrator who felt annoyed and jealous then asked the victim to meet," said Kompol Firdaus.

The perpetrator then sent a chat to the victim using his girlfriend's WhatsApp to meet at the Chinese Cemetery to resolve the issue amicably without violence.

"Arriving at the location, a perpetrator then provoked another perpetrator to hit the victim's head. The beatings occurred 2 times," said Kompol Firdaus.

The perpetrator immediately hit the victim's chest once and kicked the victim's waist and back multiple times. Thus, the victim fell and fell to the floor of the grave.

"Then the perpetrator hit the victim again, slapped the victim's left cheek, grabbed the victim's head scarf and pulled it off," he explained.

Firdaus revealed that other acts of violence were also carried out by other actors. He hit the victim's body repeatedly and ended with a kick to the body until the victim fell helplessly to the floor.

"At that time, the other perpetrators recorded the brutal actions of their colleagues until they went viral on social media," he said.

Firdaus said the persecution immediately stopped after an old man passed by and the perpetrators fled.

"As a result of the incident the victim suffered bruises and swelling on the left side of the waist. The victim experienced chest pain and the victim often felt pain in the back," he said.

The four perpetrators are now being held at the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Medan Police Satreskrim.

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