JAKARTA - The Jakarta Kini (JaKi) application, which is managed by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, won a gold medal in the public sector category at the Southeast Asian level technology and innovation competition at the 2021 ASEAN ICT Awards.

"This is an extraordinary achievement and very proud. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is the first government agency to donate a gold medal to Indonesia," said DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, Monday.

In the 2021 ASEAN ICT Awards competition, the assessment was carried out by ten judges, namely from each ASEAN member country and two independent judges from Japan and China.

One of the judges, Shinta Laksmi from Indonesia, said that the JaKi application was considered comprehensive in solving many problems in the public sector. "Many services have become more effective and efficient, making it easier for residents without having to download many applications," she said through a press release for the DKI Jakarta PPID.

Shinta added that Indonesia had never won a gold medal in the public sector category at the event.

JaKi is a platform that integrates more than 60 features into one platform by providing more efficient services and becoming an ecosystem for the government and citizens.

Before competing in ASEAN, JaKi was selected as the best work in the public sector category at the IdenTIK 2020 event.

This achievement led JaKi's application to become Indonesia's representative for the same nomination at the ASEAN level at the 2021 ASEAN ICT Awards.

After passing through the preliminary and coaching rounds, JaKi became one of the nominees who qualified for the final round on Friday (17/12).

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