JAKARTA - The Indonesian government has again received the arrival of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine in its 162nd stage with a total of 482,000 doses of vaccine in finished form.

The vaccine is the result of a donation from COVAX and is a stock to ensure that the COVID-19 vaccine needs in the country are fulfilled.

"The smooth arrival of vaccines has made efforts to accelerate and expand the vaccination program more optimal," said Director General of Information and Public Communication (Dirjen IKP) of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) Usman Kansong in a statement quoted by Antara, Monday, December 20.

In line with President Joko Widodo's directives, every vaccine that has arrived is immediately distributed to various regions in Indonesia so that the COVID-19 vaccination acceleration program can run smoothly and is not hampered in terms of vaccine stock.

In addition to guaranteeing the availability of vaccine stocks and efforts to accelerate vaccination, the government also continues to provide education to the public.

This education is specifically given to those who still feel doubtful and reluctant to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Usman reminded that the COVID-1 vaccine is a protection against the threat of the SARS-CoV-2 virus which has mutated several times.

He added that vaccination was one of the keys to protecting themselves and the nation from the threat of COVID-19.

This method is also the fastest way to establish herd immunity in Indonesia and can increase the ability of our nation to get out of the pandemic that has lasted almost two years.

"The vaccination program has been going on for almost a year, and we are on the right track by continuing to secure vaccine stocks for the needs of the Indonesian population," he said.

Usman asked the public to immediately vaccinate, to be protected and reduce the risk of serious illness if exposed to COVID-19.

Based on the Government's observations in the field, there is a phenomenon of people delaying vaccination because they are picky about brands, this has hampered efforts to accelerate vaccination.

Currently, there are eleven types of COVID-19 vaccines that have received emergency use permits from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).

For this reason, the government urges the public not to be picky about vaccine brands, because all vaccine brands provided by the government are equally safe and efficacious.

"Don't take the risk by assuming the pandami has ended. In addition to maintaining and implementing health protocols," he stressed.

Regarding the Omicron variant that has been found in Indonesia, Usman asked the public not to panic.

The public is asked to be more vigilant, comply with health protocols and all government advice.

"As directed by President Jokowi, the existence of this Omicron must make us more introspective, vaccinate for those who have not, and continue to maintain health protocols," said Usman.

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