TANJUNGPINANG - The Riau Islands Province COVID-19 Task Force forbids the 2022 New Year's Party, and other activities that cause crowds.

Spokesperson for the Riau Islands COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Tjetjep Yudiana, said that religious activities during Christmas and the 2022 new year were allowed, but still implemented strict health protocols.

"It is not permissible to hold a party that causes a crowd. This prohibition is solely to prevent the transmission of COVID-19," he said, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 20.

Tjetjep added that the supervision of residents' activities ahead of the 2022 new year was carried out by the district and city COVID-19 Handling Task Force in the region. He ensures that activities that cause crowds to be dispersed.

"We hope that all elements of society consistently apply health protocols," he said.

Tjetjep also reminded the public not to be euphoric about the condition of COVID-19, which is getting more and more sloping. This condition must be maintained by implementing health protocols.

Currently, there are only 2 active cases in Riau Islands, spread across Batam and Karimun.

Meanwhile, 5 other regencies and cities namely Lingga, Natuna, Anambas, Bintan, and Tanjungpinang have zero active cases of COVID-19. Three districts that have been designated as green zones are Anambas, Natuna and Bintan.

Meanwhile, Lingga is the first area in Riau Islands to be designated a Green Zone. However, last week, officers in Lingga entered the data incorrectly, so the center designated it as the Yellow Zone.

Even though until now Lingga has zero active cases of COVID-19, so it is not appropriate if the status becomes a yellow zone. Other areas that are still designated as yellow zones are Batam, Karimun and Tanjungpinang.

"Active cases of COVID-19 continue to decline. We hope that this condition will be maintained, by implementing health protocols when doing activities," he said.

Tjetjep revealed that the total number of COVID-19 patients in Riau Islands since the pandemic until now has reached 53,883 people, spread in Batam with 25,931 people, Tanjungpinang 10,230 people, Bintan 5,583 people, Karimun 5,488 people, Anambas 1,846 people, Lingga 2,310 people, and Natuna 2,495 people.

The total number of patients who have recovered from COVID-19 since the pandemic has reached 52,122 people, spread over 25,088 people in Batam, 9,828 in Tanjungpinang, 5,403 in Bintan, 5,326 in Karimun, 1,799 in Anambas, 2,225 in Lingga, and 2,453 in Natuna.

The total number of patients who died since the COVID-19 pandemic was 1,759 people, spread in Batam 842 people, Tanjungpinang 402 people, Bintan 180 people, Karimun 161 people, Anambas 47 people, Lingga 85 people, and Natuna 42 people.

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