JAKARTA - The National Police said that 11 of the 21 victims who died when the ship sank in the waters of Johor Bahru, Malaysia, had been identified. In fact, 6 of them will be returned to the family.

"A total of 11 bodies have been identified," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan in his statement, Monday, December 20.

The six people will be brought to Indonesia. The victims are residents of Pekanbaru, Cilacap, Central Lombok and East Lombok.

However, it is unclear when the bodies will be repatriated. However, the plan is that they will be brought to Indonesia by sea.

"The time for repatriation is sought as soon as possible with the option of using the sea route from Johor to Batam," said Ramadhan

"This option can be carried out with the readiness of Polair's ships," he continued.

The following are the identities of 6 people who have been identified and will be brought to Indonesia to be handed over to their families;

1. Misrukiah (Pekanbaru)2. Tukimin Martameja (Cilacap)3. Udin Basar Ward (Central Lombok)4. Syech Mulachela (Central Lombok)5. Ahmad Abullah Patoni (East Lombok)6. Andy Maulana (Cilacap)

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