LUMAJANG - Residents in Biting Hamlet and Biting Housing in Kutorenon Village, Lumajang Regency, East Java, were hit by floods due to heavy rains causing the Menjangan River to overflow into residential areas.

"Heavy rains caused the Menjangan River to overflow into residential areas in Biting Housing, Kutorenon Village, Sukodono District, Lumajang Regency," said Head of the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Division of the Lumajang Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Joko Sambang, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 20.

The results of the monitoring of the Umbul Dam guard on Monday at 06.30 WIB, the water runoff has reached 120 cm and the current condition of the floodgates has been opened to reduce water flow and facilitate water flow to the Menjangan River and Bondoyudo River.

"Water has overflowed onto the road and water has overflowed into residential areas, even rice fields in local villages have also begun to be submerged and livestock have been evacuated by residents independently to safe locations," he said.

He explained that some residents evacuated independently because they were still traumatized by the flood incident a few months ago that hit local residential areas.

"Several residents in Biting 1 Hamlet were evacuated by the Sukodono Koramil officers and the BPBD has coordinated with the TNI/Polri ranks for the handling," he said.

Monitoring of the Lumajang BPBD Rapid Response Team in Kutorenon Village, Biting II Hamlet, RT 4 and RT 5, the temporary conditions are safely under control and the water is starting to recede with a water level of about 20-25 cm.

"There were three elderly people who were evacuated to SDN Kutorenon 3 and the Sukodono Community Health Center immediately opened health services for people affected by the flood of the overflowing river," he said.*

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