SULTRA - Basarnas evacuated a resident named Agung (32) who died from falling into a 25-meter deep well in Lakapodo Village, Watopute District, Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra).

Head of Basarnas Kendari Aris Sofingi said that his party received information about the unfortunate incident from the Head of the Intelligence Unit of the Watopute Police Sector Sulaiman.

"At 19.30 WITA the information center of the Kendari Search and Rescue Office (KPP) received a report from the Watopute Police Intelligence Unit Mr. Sulaiman who reported that a dangerous condition had occurred for one person to fall in a well in Lakapodo Village, Muna," he said through a written statement received in Kendari. , Between, Friday, December 17th.

Based on the report, the Kendari Basarnas sent the Muna SAR Alert Unit Rescue Team to the accident scene using a rescue car unit along with other safety supporting equipment.

"At 20.00 WIT the Rescue Team of the Muna SAR Alert Unit arrived at the scene. Then, at 20.15 WITA, the joint SAR team evacuated the victim from the well with the condition dead," said Aris.

Aris said that the evacuation of the victims was also assisted by local residents. The victim was then handed over to the family for burial.

Aris added that the victim was previously reported to have gone to the well at around 16.30 WITA. The victim is known to have a history of epilepsy.

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