MEDAN - Police arrested a woman with the initials NL (53) in Toba Regency, North Sumatra. NL was arrested for allegedly molesting his daughter RM (6), resulting in bruises on his body.

Based on the information obtained, the incident occurred at the victim's house in Silaen District, Wednesday, December 8. This case was first revealed after a village midwife with the initials R saw the victim crying in pain on the fence of her house.

To the witness, the poor boy admitted that his mother was beaten because he didn't want to take a nap. Next, R reported to the Toba Police and the police and investigated and arrested NL right away.

The head of the Toba Police Public Relations Subdivision, Iptu Bungaran Samosir, when confirmed, confirmed this incident.

"(True) His parents are NL, 53 years old, the victim RM is 6 years old, a woman," said Iptu Bungaran, to reporters, Friday, December 17.

According to Iptu Bungaran, the reason his mother abused RM was because he was upset. The child is considered to play often, does not study until it is difficult to eat.

"That's the reason for committing violence against his child," he explained.

Currently, the police are still investigating the case. The police hope that parents will be more patient in treating their children and not commit acts of violence against them.

"Because the law on child protection will ensnare perpetrators of violence against minors. Let's love children so they can grow up as expected," he said.

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